This is another core programme area that Bantu Arts undertakes. Bantu Arts works through the homes and communities in supporting menstrual hygiene management in young people. Bantu Arts has been sensitizing the girls and women under reproductive age on their duties and responsibilities of managing menstrual periods and the community on how to support the young girls and women. Therefore, we extend the following services to our beneficiaries, provision of information on sexual reproductive health rights and education on hygiene and sanitation. Bantu Arts has further contributed to the distribution of sanitary pads and soap. Through the parents and community leaders, Bantu Arts in partnership with ActionAid International Uganda and ActionAid UK has conducted documentation on menstrual management in Imvepi Bantu Arts staff training young women on how to manage reusable pads, documentation of the activity and distribution of pads.

Bantu Arts works to build the capacity of it’s staff and community members in undertaking activities to improve young people especially young women and community welfare through training workshops, and implementation of project objectives and dissemination of information materials. Through networking with other partners focusing on similar objectives, Bantu Arts staff capacity has been built in different workshops and training in a range of aspects like Leadership approach, advocacy, child protection, guidance and counselling, monitoring and evaluation, strategic planning among others. This area also includes solicitation for materials and equipment e.g., office computers, furniture and vehicles to enhance the execution of office duties and also the visibility of the organization as well as response to community needs.

Bantu Arts believes that through gender role identification and segregation, it aims to improves on the community level of participation and engagement. We also provide information on human rights and women rights during the session. Bantu Arts staff take the young people through Gender roles and planning in their different communities. Livelihood & Economic strengthening opportunities have in the past years been accorded to in and out of school youths and their households to ensure that they have reasonable incomes to meet their basic necessities. The livelihood opportunities include provision of financial literacy and promotion of saving through VSLA (village saving and loan associations). Over 120 young people have been equipped with the training skills on advocacy, organisation and campaigning for resources. Bantu Arts has trained 40 VSLA beneficiaries’ particularly young women and men, on how to start Income Generating projects like poultry, piggery, and backyard gardening etc. at household level in Zone 4 and Zone 1. Kitchen gardening project for one of our beneficiaries and young women movement building group members meeting on economic violence.